Simple DNS Plus
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Licensing FAQ

Which license size do I need?

We offer different license sizes (number of zones). Which size you need depends on the number of domains (zones) you want to host on your server, and possibly what plugs-ins you want to use (some plug-ins require an "Unlimited zones" license).

Note that reverse zones and secondary zones also count towards the license size.

If you will only be using Simple DNS Plus to resolve other domain names on the Internet (not to host your own domains), then you can use the smallest license size (5 zones).

How many licenses do I need?

You need one license for each installed instance of Simple DNS Plus (both primary and secondary servers).

Can I use multiple licenses on a Simple DNS Plus instance (in order to host more zones)?

No, only one license can be used at a time.

If you need to host more zones, you need to upgrade the license to a larger size.

What versions/releases are a license is valid for?

  1. The current version at the time of purchase (new or upgrade).
  2. Any versions (major/minor*) released within one year after the purchase (see "one year free upgrade protection" below).
  3. Any patch (build number* increase only) released at any time (also beyond the one year), for above versions (see 1 and 2).

* We use this software version numbering structure: <major>.<minor>.<build>

Do licenses expire?

No, our licenses are perpetual. A license is valid forever for the versions/releases mentioned above.

Do I have to pay a yearly "maintenance fee"?

No, our licenses are perpetual. They are not subscriptions, and there are no recurring fees.

You only pay again if you choose to upgrade to a new version released a year or more after your purchase.

"One year free upgrade protection"?

With any license purchase (new or upgrade), you receive one year of free upgrade protection.

This entitles you to receive any new version of the software for free, regardless of major or minor update, within a year of the purchase.

Do licenses need to be "activated"?

Yes, license activation is required.

You can activate either directly in the software (the software contacts our activation server over the Internet), or by copying a link to a browser (one the same or another computer) and then copying back an activation key.

For more on activation, please see

Do you offer educational licenses?

Yes, we offer a special free license type for educational use - like classroom training and similar scenarios.

Click here for details.

Do you offer free/discounted licenses for non-profits or other types of organizations?

Sorry, no.


Simple DNS Plus

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  • Lost License Key
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