Simple DNS Plus


The license price depends on the license size (number of zones), the number of licenses (number of servers), and possibly what plugs-in you want to use (some plug-ins require an "Unlimited zones" license).

All license purchases (new and upgrade) include "one year free upgrade protection".

For more detailed licensing information, please see our Licensing FAQ.

New licenses

Prices for purchasing one or more new licenses:

 Single license2 or more licenses
Price per license
"5 zones" licenseUS$ 79.00US$ 69.00
"25 zones" licenseUS$ 129.00US$ 99.00
"100 zones" licenseUS$ 189.00US$ 149.00
"1000 zones" licenseUS$ 269.00US$ 219.00
"Unlimited zones" licenseUS$ 379.00US$ 299.00

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Version upgrade

Prices for upgrading to v. 9.1 from an earlier version:

 Single license   2 or more licenses
Price per license
"5 zones" licenseUS$ 39.00US$ 34.00
"25 zones" licenseUS$ 59.00US$ 49.00
"100 zones" licenseUS$ 89.00US$ 69.00
"1000 zones" licenseUS$ 119.00US$ 99.00
"Unlimited zones" licenseUS$ 149.00US$ 119.00

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Additional license

If you already have one or more current Simple DNS Plus licenses and want to add one more (of the same size), you can buy this additional license at the "2 or more licenses" rate from the "New licenses" table above.

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License size upgrade

License size upgrade pricing (from a v. 9.1 license to a larger v. 9.1 license - more zones):

The upgrade price is the difference between new license pricing (see above) for the old license size and the new license size + $15 per license.
For example if you have 2 version 9.1 "25 zones" licenses and want to upgrade these to "100 zones" licenses, the total upgrade price would be 2 x (149 - 99 + 15) = $130.00.

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Combined version and size upgrade

Pricing for upgrading from an earlier version to a larger v. 9.1 license (more zones):

The upgrade price is the version upgrade price for the old license size (see table above) + the difference between v. 9.1 new license pricing (see above) for the old license size and the new license size.
For example if you have 2 older version "25 zones" licenses and want to upgrade these to v. 9.1 "100 zones" licenses, the total upgrade price would be 2 x (49 + 149 - 99) = $198.00.

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Upgrading from an earlier version to a smaller v. 9.1 license (fewer zones):

You may upgrade to a smaller license at the prices in the "Version upgrade" table above (no credit for license size reduction).
For example if you have a single "unlimimted zones" license for an older version, you can upgrade this to a "1000 zones" license for v. 9.1, for $99.00.

Covered by the one year free upgrade protection?

If you purchased a new license or an upgrade on or after October 28th 2020, then you are covered by the one year free upgrade protection (v. 9.1 was released on October 28th 2021). In this case your license is also valid with v. 9.1. Simply use the same license key with v. 9.1. Note that re-activation is required, so you will need your key when upgrading.

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