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HTTPS-Records (HTTPS Service binding and parameter specification)

HTTPS-records allows browsers to efficiently obtain complete instructions for accessing a web-site for a domain name - including supported protocols (HTTP/1.1, 2, 3, etc.), ip address(es), port number, and public keys (all optional) - saving the browser from doing a number of DNS lookups and other protocol negotiation steps.

An HTTPS-record provides instructions for accessing a web-site with the following properties:

  • Mode
    Choose between: Service, Alias, or Service not available / does not exist.
    In "Alias" mode, the HTTPS-record functions similar to a CNAME-record - execept only for HTTPS-record requests - which means that it can also appear a the zone name level (unlike CNAME).

  • Priority
    The order of priority (1-65535) - if multiple HTTPS records are available for the same name.

  • Service host name
    The host name of the web-server.

  • Protocol identifiers (ALPN IDs)
    The ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation) IDs of the protocols supported by the web-server.
    The default is "http/1.1" - meaning HTTP version 1.1.
    See the official list of ALPN IDs at
    For example, "h2" means HTTP v. 2 and "h3" means HTTP v. 3. Identifiers in the format "h3-[draft]" like "h3-27" have also been observed "in the wild".

  • IP address(es) (optional)
    The IP addresses (IPv4 and/or IPv6) of the server(s) hosting the web-site.
    This is considered a hint only - a client may choose to resolve the host name property instead of using this.

  • Port number (optional)
    An alternate port number for the web-server (other than 443).

  • Encrypted ClientHello (ECH) (optional)
    ECH configuration (ECHConfigList) for the web-server encoded in Base64 format.

To create a new HTTPS-record, right-click a zone in the left list in the DNS Records window, and select "Other new record" from the pop-up menu.

This record type is defined in (Not yet an official RFC at the time of this writing, but expected to be so soon)


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